Archive for the ‘History’ Category


1. Give a brief introduction of what you will be discussing. Who or what is Bigfoot or Sasquatch and give a very basic history of this creature. 2. Make your claim. Could Bigfoot actually be real or is it nothing more than a myth? 3. This will be the bulk of your essay explain what […]

American Legal History

Please respond to the following 2 questions in essay format. Each question should be answered in 2 pages each. You must use references to historical developments and quotations from the provideddocuments to support your responses. Every response should incorporate evidence inthe form of quotations. You MUST use the documents I provided and cite them in […]

Book report

Pick a book from the list below and write an analytical essay inwhich you will identify the primary argument made by the author, review the historical evidence that the author used in support of that argument and provide a critical reaction to the book. Feel free to disagree with the author, but be prepared to […]


To complete this assignment: Read the assigned source in its entirety.In the course of your essay, address the following questions utilizing the information found in the source as the foundation for your work:Why does the author compare George W. Bush to John F. Kennedy in this article? How would you include Donald J. Trump in […]

History 111, Essay One

Response # 1 (Due FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, BY 11:59 PM) Choose one of the following prompts to respond to in an essay that is 3-4 pages in length (750-1000 words).  Your response must include direct reference to at least FOUR primary sources (the links to these sources are provided below each prompt.  You can use […]

Rise of the Black Power Movement in Oakland

In Living for the City, Donna Jean Murch explores the rise of an effective and popular black power movement in Oakland, California. For instance, in Chapter 4 she details how, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, black power won in transforming the curriculum and faculty at Merritt College, and in Chapter 5 she […]

Woman’s Culture in Modern America

Answer one of the following in 2-4 Typed Pages (1000 word minimum). Include in your essay a well formed introduction with your main idea (hypothesis), a body of evidence to support your interpretation and a conclusion which summarizes the main points of your essay and explains your overall argument. You can use material from any […]

Genocid of rwanda

The genocid of rwanda What made it stop? Is the cause of the Genocide gone or could it happen again? What consequences have the events had for the country and the victims? What does the country look like today? 3 Who is responsible? Has anyone / anyone been convicted of the crimes committed in the […]

Hist 1302PaperPrompt, At the Dark End of the Street, by Danielle McGuire

Hist 1302PaperPrompt, At the Dark End of the Street, by Danielle McGuireFall2020Instructions:Please answer  the  prompt  question(s)  in  essay  form. Your  papermust containclear  and concise analysis and beat leastthree pagesin length(no more than five), double-spaced, with one-inch margins and twelve-point font. The paper is worth 125points. Itmust be turned in via the link on D2L by […]

The theological, economic and political impact of the Plague in the Middle Ages

I have sources, please use them and add more if you can. I also have a draft that can show you what my ideas are and the stuff i want in the research assigment. Please make sure to cite and reference your sources that are academic books that i can access online as well. Some […]

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