Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category

how big a problem is homelessness in the uk and what are its causes?

You are asked to write an economic report on the level of homelessness in the UK and on what seems to be its determinants. it is a group project so you should work on my part and try to really use the documents and graphs. I need 500 words on the topic and around 60 […]

Economics Discussion Post

Reply to the following prompt:Individual economic decision makers are at a liberty to pursue their own interests rationally and logically. These economic agents  optimize the welfare of the society. Optimization conditions, a result of individual parties’ behavior,  are a testament to this effect. The more individuals agents were left alone in their pursuit, the more […]

health economics

As an economic situation, market failure refers to an economic situation characterized by the inefficient distribution of services and goods within a free market. In the healthcare sector, a market failure entails inefficiency in service delivery and distribution of goods. Externalities entail the selected form of market failure explored in this case. Dewar notes that […]

International Trade issue & Political economy policies

Your term project is an integrative summary of SEVEN short papers or journal articles.  These papers may be from the academic literature or current news on International Trade Issues and Political Economy policies from anywhere in the world. The Term Paper should be no longer than 10 pages, 12 point font, double spaced. A penalty […]

Technology transfer

To what extent do you believe that technology transfer, access to short term financing and improvement of export capacity will help developing countries to catch up and level the economic playing field with todays advanced economies You must cite some current events and debates, even from the readings or Internet to support your position.


The Great Recession of 2008 – Causes and ConsequencesOrganize your paper with five sections: Introduction and objective. Make sure the objective is specific. Literature Review. Conduct a search on the topic of your paper and summarize works of others similar to what you are writing on. Be sure to follow APA guidelines. The following link […]

Sierra Leon . Econ

The assignment is in two parts. Presentation (not graded but required). The group must present its country case study to class (and upload slides)…on a day to be timetabled. There is a 10-minute time-limit. This is not graded but it is required. The purpose is to give the class material to think about in relation […]

Term Policy Paper

The Policy Term Paper provides an analytical assessment of a recommended policy position on one of the four a policy-topics covered in class/lectures. Since there are many readings on each topic, I’m not going to upload all of them. Please let me know when you decide which topic you are going to focus on. And […]


Watch the HBO documentary on Warren Buffett/ 1) What were 3 keys to financial success for Warren B.? (100 words) 2) Will you use/adopt any or all for your financial future? (100 words) 3) What strengths/ weaknesses do you have in regards to being a successful investor  /saver (100 words)

News Analysis Report

Find a news article about a microeconomic issue published after Aug 23, 2020 in a reputable newspaper or magazine, like the Financial Times, New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business Week, The Economist, Dollars and Sense. Requirements:Your news analysis should contain data, not just pure opinion; for example, the news cant be simply […]

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